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Important Reference material to be followed for Test Series
Ancient and Medieval History (Art & Culture):
1. History-Our Past I (NCERT Class VI)
2. History-Our Pasts II (NCERT Class VII)
3. Themes in Indian History-I (NCERT Class XII)
4. Themes in Indian History-II (NCERT Class XII)
5. An Introduction to Indian Art Part-I (NCERT Class XI)
6. History (Class 11th Tamil Nadu Board)
7. NIOS Material (Art & Culture)
8. India Year Book 2023, Chapter 28, 31
9. Dhyeya IAS Class Notes & Books
Indian Polity & the Constitution:
1. Social and Political Life – III (NCERT Class VIII)
2. Democratic Politics-I (NCERT Class IX)
3. India Constitution at Work (NCERT Class XI)
4. Our Constitution: Subhash Kashyap
5. The Constitution of India: P M Bakshi
6. India Year Book 2023, Chapter 3, 4 and 6
7. Indian Polity by M. Laxmikant
8. Dhyeya IAS Class Notes & Books
Physical, Human and Indian Geography:
1. The Earth: Our Habitat (NCERT Class VI)
2. Resources and Development (NCERT Class VIII)
3. Contemporary India (NCERT Class IX)
4. Contemporary India (NCERT Class X)
5. Fundamental of Physical Geography (NCERT Class XI)
6. India Physical Environment (NCERT Class XI)
7. Fundamentals of Human Geography (NCERT Class XII)
8. India-People And Economy (NCERT Class XII)
9. NIOS Material
10. India Year Book 2023, Chapter 2, 17, 24 and 31.
11. Geography & You
12. Down To Earth
13. Dhyeya IAS Class Notes & Books
Modern History and Indian National Movement:
1. Our Past III (NCERT Class VIII)
2. India and the Contemporary World-II(NCERT Class X)
3. Themes in Indian History-III (NCERT Class XII)
4. History Class XII Tamil Nadu Board)
5. Dhyeya IAS Class Notes & Books
Ecology and Environment:
1. Our Environment: (NCERT Class VII).
2. Biology (NCERT Class XII, Chapter 11, 12 and 13)
3. India Year Book 2023, Chapter 23, 25
4. Economic Survey 2022-23 (Chapter7)
5. Geography and You Magazine
6. NIOS Materials
7. Down to Earth
8. Dhyeya IAS Class Notes & Books
Economic and Social Development:
1. Understanding Economic Development (NCERT Class X)
2. Indian Economic Development (NCERT Class XI)
3. Introductory Macroeconomics (NCERT Class XII, Chapter 2, 3, 5 and 6)
4. Budget and Economic Survey
5. India Year Book 2023 (Chapter 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22)
6. Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
7. Dhyeya IAS Class Notes & Books
Science and Technology:
1. Biology (NCERT Class XII, Chapter 4,5,67,8,9 and 10)
2. India Year Book 2023, Chapter 26 and 29
3. Down to Earth
4. The Hindu Science Section
5. Dhyeya IAS Class Notes & Books
Current Affairs :
1. News Papers: The Hindu, Indian Express, Business Standard, Economic Times
2. Press Information Bureau
3. Yojana and Kurukshetra Magazine
4. Dhyeya’s Perfect-7 Magazine
Unit-1: 15 Sectional Tests
Unit-2: 10 Full Length Tests
Unit-3: 10 Current Affairs Tests
Unit-4: 5 CSAT Tests
Medium: Hindi & English
Mode: Offline & Online
Manjesh Singh –